Lawrence Elementary School serves the educational needs of approximately 400 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade. All teachers are highly qualified and Canton Elementary students consistently score very high in the State required Dakota STEP scores.
Information About Our Schools

Canton Elementary

Canton Middle School
The Canton Middle School is comprised of approximately 200 students in grades six through eight. Teachers have high expectations for their students, but also remain responsive to the many developmental needs of the adolescent learner as well. The Six Pillars of Character are promoted on a daily basis in an effort to create an atmosphere that promotes positive adolescent development.

Canton High School
The Canton High School is comprised of approximately 300 students in grades nine through twelve. CHS offers a challenging and viable curriculum that enables students to graduate as Regent Scholars and earn the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship. A large percentage of Canton graduates go on to advance their education. CHS also offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities for students to choose from.